Can Mr. Poo stop public defecation in India?

Monday, April 21, 2014

India has an unlikely new public health hero: a giant, anthropomorphic stool that chases people to squat in toilets.

Mr Poo, who appears in commercials accompanied by a groovy techno anthem, is the face of the latest public health campaign by United Nations Children’s Fund in the country. With a bold and quirky approach unlike any previous awareness drives, the’Poo2Loo’ campaign seeks to bring people’s attention to the health hazards associated with public defecation — a deep-rooted social norm in the country’s rural and urban slums

According to UNICEF, India has the highest number of people in the world — an estimated 620 million — who defecate in the open, creating a major public health hazard by leaving an estimated 65 million kilograms of waste each day. Only half of the population uses toilets.

Source: CNN (link opens in a new window)

Health Care
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