Creating an Uber Motorcycle Service in Uganda to Get Expectant Mothers to the Clinic

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Naboth is 25-year-olds, boda-boda driver. He’s shy, and warm. His father passed away two years ago. Unable to afford school, he bought a boda-boda to support himself and his family. His mother then sent him to a PSI-supported clinic to talk to Jane — a midwife

A boda-boda is like an Uber motorcycle taxi service in East Africa. Regular guys buy a motorcycle — called a boda-boda – and then give people rides to earn money.

PSI is helping mobilize these drivers to put their boda-bodas to use for a greater cause — to help prevent women from dying during childbirth simply because they can’t get to a clinic.

Jane pays Naboth to go into the community to advertise her services and transport women who need help – free of charge.

He laughs and says, “My friends make fun of me, but I don’t care. Men can talk about maternal health. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Susan, a patient of Jane’s, at six-months pregnant is not your typical boda-boda passenger. She relies on Naboth to attend her pre-natal visits.

Source: PSI Impact (link opens in a new window)

Health Care, Transportation