Press Release: Madagascar to Expand Access to Social Protection for Extremely Poor Households Thanks to $250 Million in World Bank Financing
With World Bank support, the coverage of safety nets has been growing steadily in recent years, but coverage still remains low relative to the Sub-Saharan Africa average. The project will enable increased coverage of non-emergency safety net programs while also allowing for a scale up of safety nets temporarily in the event of a crisis. It builds on evidence generated in Madagascar in recent years about the positive impact of safety nets on reducing extreme poverty and boosting human capital through improved education and nutrition outcomes for children of beneficiary households.
“This project will build on the achievements of the Madagascar Social Safety Net Project (SSNP) which has helped lay the foundations of the country’s social protection system,” said John Van Dyck, Senior Social Protection Specialist, Team Leader. “Compared to the SSNP, it will increase the focus on household resilience and help beneficiaries to reduce their need for support through training and microentrepreneurial support to produce lasting improvements in their livelihoods.”
Women’s empowerment is a major focus of the project and one of the main objectives of the accompanying measures delivered to beneficiaries. “To address the gender gaps in education, health, and economic inclusion, the project will prioritize women as the main recipients of cash transfers,” emphasized Julia Rachel Ravelosoa, Senior Social Protection Economist. “It will also encourage girls’ school attendance, promote access to reproductive and healthcare services, and encourage women’s participation in a package of accompanying measures including financial and economic inclusion, women’s leadership and participation in decision making.”
Source: The World Bank (link opens in a new window)
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