Press Release: World Bank Group Announces New Approach to Measuring Impact
The World Bank Group is developing a new corporate scorecard that will track results across 22 indicators—a fraction of the previous 150—to provide a streamlined, clear picture of progress on all aspects of the World Bank Group’s mission, from improving access to healthcare to making food systems sustainable to boosting private investment.
For the first time, the work of all World Bank Group financing institutions will be tracked through the same set of indicators. The new scorecard will track the Bank’s overarching vision of ending poverty on a livable planet.
“The new scorecard is a significant step forward in how we will measure results and be accountable for the outcomes,” said Anna Bjerde, World Bank Managing Director of Operations. “It’s a real game changer, providing a new guidepost that our teams can rally around, and provides full visibility on how well we are tackling the most difficult challenges like poverty, climate change, fragility, and food insecurity.”
This is an important milestone in the World Bank Group’s efforts to focus on outcomes, rather than inputs. For example, instead of showing how many people have access to financial services, we will focus on the number of people that use them. This will drive action towards results and allow us to course-correct throughout.
The indicators have been carefully selected through wide consultation with shareholders and partners. The goal is to measure key outcomes, manage with evidence, and communicate results.
The scorecard will provide a yardstick for us on how we deliver on our new mission and vision and redouble our focus on accountability and impact.
All the data and underlying methodologies will be available in a user-friendly online platform that will make it easier to harmonize results measurement with other multilateral development banks.
Adding a more detailed breakdown of the data will also enhance the Bank Group’s ability to disaggregate results by gender, youth, region, country groups, and other parameters, improving the ability to make the right decisions for development.
The new scorecard will serve as an important management tool, with detailed results showing exactly how many people have benefited from our operations—and the results will inform future investment and project decisions.
The World Bank Group will report the first results in coming months and will have all data ready to share at the 2024 IMF-World Bank Group Annual Meetings. Annual updates will be released from FY24 until FY30.
22 New Indicators
1. Millions of beneficiaries of social safety net programs
2. Millions of students supported with better education
3. Millions of people receiving quality health, nutrition, and population services
4. Millions of people benefitting from strengthened capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to health emergencies
5. Countries at high risk or in debt distress that implemented reforms toward debt sustainability
6. Countries with tax revenues to GDP ratio at or below 15% (including social security contributions) that have increased collections, considering equity
7. Net GHG emissions per year
8. Millions of people with enhanced resilience to climate risks
9. Millions of hectares of terrestrial and aquatic areas under enhanced conservation and management
10. Millions of people provided with water, sanitation, and hygiene, of which (%) is safely managed
11. Millions of people with strengthened food and nutrition security
12. Millions of people that benefit from improved access to sustainable transport infrastructure and services
13. Millions of people provided with access to electricity
14. GW of renewable energy capacity enabled
15. Millions of people using broadband internet
16. Millions of people using digitally enabled services
17. Millions of people benefitting from greater gender equality, of which (%) from actions that expand and enable economic opportunities
18. Millions of people and businesses using financial services, of which (%) are women
19. Millions of new or better jobs
– of which (%) for women
– of which (%) for youth
20. Millions of displaced people and people in host communities provided with services and livelihoods
21. $ billions in total private capital enabled
22. $ billions in total private capital mobilized
Photo courtesy of Bill Oxford.
Source: The World Bank (link opens in a new window)
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