To Feed the World, Improve Photosynthesis
Monday, August 14, 2017
Inside a balmy greenhouse in central Illinois, a boisterous but focused pair of researchers are seeding experimental plants. The scientists moisten the soil and pack it into pots, then carefully tip tiny dark-brown tobacco seeds out of glass vials. In the months that follow, the researchers will move the plants outside into a field and watch whether they grow bigger or faster than usual—a crucial step toward feeding the world of 2050.
These tobacco plants have been engineered at a more fundamental level than typical biotech crops. The way they conduct photosynthesis has been tinkered with so they convert sunlight and carbon dioxide more efficiently into carbohydrates. If scientists do that in food crops, any given plot of land could produce more food, or produce the same amount of food with less water and fertilizer.
The need is urgent. To feed a growing population, the United Nations projects, worldwide agricultural yields must increase by 50 percent between now and 2050. And that ambitious goal does not factor in the effects of climate change.
Source: MIT Technology Review (link opens in a new window)
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