Zambia: EU Funds €12 Million for Access to Clean Cooking Through the MCFA
By Jean Marie takouleu
The European Union (EU) is injecting €12.5 million into the Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA). The funding will help accelerate access to clean cooking in Zambia, where only 16% of the population uses improved cookstoves for cooking.
The Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA) has a new contributor. The European Union (EU) is contributing €12.5 million. This funding is intended to support access to clean cooking in Zambia. In this East African country, only 16% of the population has access to clean cooking. The challenge is therefore immense for the Zambian authorities who will benefit from the support of the MCFA.
Photo courtesy of DFID: Elizabeth Mukwimba M-Power customer with cookstove 01.
Source: Afrik21 (link opens in a new window)
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