Rob Katz

Remittances in Development Online Discussion

Speak outAs you probably know, we’ve been following the recent flurry of news stories about remittances for development quite closely.? NextBillion staff writer and DTE deputy director Bill Kramer has written a series of blog posts outlining what he feels is being done well and what’s been done poorly (notably, Lou Dobbs’ spinning the story into a bizarre anti-immigrant angle).? I’m willing to bet that Bill’s not the only one with strong opinions here–and evidently, the World Bank is willing to bet on that, too. ?

The Bank has organized an online discussion that will kick off tomorrow morning on the topic of remittances and development.? Pablo Fajnzylber and J. Humberto L?pez, senior economists from the World Bank’s Latin America and the Caribbean region and authors of Close to Home: The Development Impact of Remittances in Latin America, will be on hand to answer questions.? Log in starting at 10:00 am EST to see it unfold; for now, you can submit your questions in advance.Thanks to Christine for the reminder.
