Charisma Murari

Sankalp Social Enterprise Award Finalists and the Stories They Tell : Videos exemplify the spirt of social entrepreurs

It’s a long road to the coveted Sankalp Social Enterprise Awards trophy. India’s leading social enterprise awards run through a process that lasts close to 6 months, and sees a hard-fought battle. Only open to enterprises that are operational, have displayed a proof of concept and earn revenue, the awards recognize the best enterprises from eight high-impact sectors: agriculture, food and livelihoods, clean energy and technology, education and vocational training, financial inclusion health, water and sanitation, technology for development and women’s empowerment.

Along the journey, we encounter many inspired stories. This year’s cohort of finalists – 24 of them – showcases a mix of age, backgrounds, and of course, ideas. (Check out all of the finalists here). There are two devoted scientists who are committed to crafting tech to drive a social change. There are a couple of entrepreneurs who are consciously staying away from grants to focus on building self-sustaining businesses. And there are a whole bunch of folks who have returned to India from far off corners of the globe to make a difference.

Here are two videos that are indicative of this year’s cohort of finalists. I hope you find their passion as contagious and their businesses as powerful as we do. And yes, I hope you follow the rest of their journey leading up to Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2014 to be held from April 9-11 in Mumbai. Register for the Summit or catch all the action on Twitter with the hashtag #SUS2014. (NextBillion readers may register at a discount by using the code: NXTBSUS.)

Karadi Path

Karadi Path offers a solution that can effectively deliver English language proficiency in a reasonable time, at a low cost and without the need for highly proficient English teachers. The programs are offered to students through institutions (schools and colleges) and also directly through a micro-tutor channel to radically improve the English skills of students and adults. Income is generated either through the student or the institution for the Karadi Path programs.


With huge amount of organic waste generated and lack of proper processing systems for dealing with it sustainably, there is a huge opportunity for waste management in India’s urban areas. NoKooda brings a fresh perspective on decentralization of waste to energy projects at economically affordable costs for all stakeholders. The company has developed a decentralized organic reject management (DORM) solution, which is a compact, cost effective and zero pollution machine that is highly effective in re-processing rejects thus saving landfill space, reducing the environmental pollution and providing quality re-processed products for end consumers. Organic waste from horticulture, vegetable and fruit markets, temples and residential units are converted into clean energy sources and products, which include organic animal feed and fertilizer.

Charisma Murari is the senior manger of marketing and communications for Intellecap.

Social Enterprise