
The University of Chicago

The Consortium on Financial Systems and Poverty (CFSP) at the University of Chicago is a private research organization comprised of leading and emerging economists. Its goal is to improve the lives of the world’s poor and to reduce poverty through helping to identify, define and develop more efficient financial systems. The CSFP strive to generate tangible and objective results that have meaningful lessons for policymakers, researchers and stakeholders.

Articles by cfsp

  • cfsp

    Helping Rural Farmers Avoid Financial ’Shocks,’ Build Profits

    In many developing countries, the everyday well-being of the poor is profoundly tied to ups and downs of the harvest. In rural Ghana, where Yale University Economist Chris Udry runs his CFSP research project, this is especially true. Udry explains how his research might help rural farmers in developing countries manage the everyday risks they face.

    rural development
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