Articles by Nidhi Chaudhary
September 17
2012NexThought Monday: Do Women Still Need to Prove Themselves
Instead of "trying to have it all," let’s focus our goals on increasing opportunity and cultivating and recognizing potential. After all, with women’s collective wealth, intelligence, buying power, and influence, they—at the very least—deserve our recognition.
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- Impact Assessment
Guest Articles
August 1
2012Why South Asia is a Hub for Social Entrepreneurship
An April 2012 study of the social entrepreneurship landscape in India found that the sector has really taken off since 2005. But while social entrepreneurs are excited to consider next steps, they clearly have a lot of learning to do—and must do a lot more to prove positive outcomes, financial and social. But, if they can, India could become a hotspot and global test ground for impact investing.
- Categories
- Education, Social Enterprise
Guest Articles
April 21
2012Guest Post: A Healthy Dose of Idealism – How David Brooks Got it Wrong
New York Times columnist David Brooks recently criticized social entrepreneurs for being too idealistic and out of touch with the realities of politics in developing countries. In response, Echoing Green’s Nidhi Chaudhary says Brooks fundamentally misses the point.
- Categories
- Education, Social Enterprise