Articles by Piera Waibel
October 30
2012Inclusive Compliance: The New Playing Field for Inclusive Business Innovations
Not all supply chains are the same, and not all of them are limited to structured factories or facilities. Difficulties arise when monitoring labor standards in informal sectors, such as evaluating environmental or social standards. This was the driving force behind inclusive compliance.
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- Agriculture, Impact Assessment
August 13
2012NexThought Monday: Are Managers Ready to Lose Control?: The bottom-up development perspective in base-of-the-pyramid ventures
Does inclusive business mean that the poor are only included in “our” businesses? Or should it also mean that they have their own flourishing enterprises and we become integrated in their activities? What if the poor want to play a bigger role than being just instruments included in a process that was defined by outsiders?
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July 16
2010Bottom Up Scaling: What is the Role of the Assets of the Poor?
Guest Writer Piera Waibel writes about her PhD dissertation on Base of the Pyramid business models, and calls interested companies to participate in a survey.
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