Rob Katz

Bush Won’t Double Aid for Africa

In today’s New York Times, Elizabeth Becker and David Sangerreport that President Bush refuses to deviate from his administration’s policynot to increase aid for Africa, despite strong supportfor such a proposal from US allies including Great Britain.? Thus, in the run-up to the G8summit in Scotlandnext month, I find myself asking, “What’s the private sector’s response?”?While many in the development community have latched onto thedouble-aid-for-Africa bandwagon, it’s looking less and less likely to happen ascurrently packaged.? Sorry, Jeff Sachs and Co.?

So what’s the next step?? With the Bush Administration firmly in business’corner, perhaps now is a good time for the private sector to step up and talkabout business opportunities in low-income markets.? I’ve heard about two eventshappening in Scotlandaround the G8 meeting.? The first will be co-organized by the Partnershipto Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa and the GermanMarshall Fund.? The second will be?run by Business Action for Africa.? Both seem pretty interesting, andhigh-level.? Hopefully something real willresult.
