20 Years of Research, Data, and Analytics on Poverty, Inequality and Human Capital
- Generating, operationalizing, and disseminating knowledge
- Transforming evidence, data, and insights into policy change
- Improving the enabling environment to democratize development knowledge through partnerships, capacity building, and innovation
A total of three events are envisioned. The first event, centered on issues related to conflicts, migration, and climate change, took place on Nov 2, 2022. This note will provide more information on the background of the second event, proposed to happen in January 2023.
The two-part hybrid event will last for three hours, separated into two equal parts. Part I will focus on poverty and inequality; and Part II will deep-dive into human capital. Each part will follow the same structure, beginning with a presentation on the evolution of research and knowledge in the respective theme. A panel discussion will follow that features diverse perspectives from stakeholder groups such as academia, governments, international organizations, and non-state actors. The speakers and panelists may also comment on the linkages between poverty and inequality and human capital. A question-and-answer session (accessible for both in-person and remote attendees) will occur at the end of each segment.
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EST)
Location: Hybrid
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023