3rd Global Microfinance Summit: Unlocking the Pathway to Financial Freedom
Global Microfinance Summit 2019 is covering all major areas influencing the Industry.
Social Impact as a central part has a strong focus of social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups in society, devoting and developing programs covered with global institutional support.
Green microfinance implicates a strong focus recently, holding a rapid growth and development in regards to improving environmental clime, while secures financial return.
Entrepreneurship as a popular microfinance segment, present in the program with two aspects woman- and young-entrepreneurship. International Finance institutions as World Bank and European Central Bank, are running their programs with strong efforts in devoting and developing marginal groups in societies.
Recent achievements and technology are influencing the Industry, helping ones who need it the most to reach finance source more simply, faster and mobile. This complete the industry picture of recent microfinance developments.
Join us at one at the world’s most historical city, Istanbul and share with us your experience, knowledge and innovations at the Global Microfinance Summit 2019!
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Dates: January 24, 2018 - January 25, 2018