5th World Responsible Leaders Forum
The images of thousands of refugees arriving in Munich have gone around the world. Drawing attention to the new scale of the refugee flows, they have also turned the spotlight on the question of Europe’s response and responsibility towards this issue. But the photos have also shown something else: the efficiency of the local administration and the strength of a deep-rooted and robust civil society in a city such as Munich. Numerous societies, churches, schools, and initiatives have sprung into action and are currently working to aid and assist refugees. Using creative approaches, they provide first aid and basic primary care to the refugees, teach them German or help them find trainee positions or housing.
These are some of the facets of the city of Munich that we want to highlight at the 5th World Responsible Leaders Forum, which we will organize in the Bavarian capital in May 2016. During the four-day forum, we want to explore the many and diverse opportunities for social change and for a better understanding among cultures and societies.
The centenary of our founding company, BMW AG, provides the occasion for inviting the members of our growing internationalResponsible Leaders Network for the first time to Germany.
About the World Responsible Leaders Forum
The World Responsible Leaders Forum brings together leaders from all over the world. It is directed at the some 2,000 individuals who have participated in one of our previous Young Leaders programs or other core formats of the BMW Foundation. We want to regularly reactivate the resources, experiences, and skills of this extraordinary network that we have built systematically over the past twenty years and feed them into the strategic societal initiatives of the Foundation and its regional and global partners. Previous World Responsible Leaders Forums took place in the United States, India, Argentina, and China.
Location: Munich, Germany
Dates: May 19, 2016 - May 22, 2016