Building Bridges Week
The week will comprise a crowd-sourced program of events planned by the Building Bridges Community in a range of formats that stimulate deeper levels of dialogue and collaboration including : panel discussions; roundtables; workshops, training sessions, pitches and networking events. It is open to anyone interested in finance and sustainability.
77 events are planned during the week.
About Building Bridges:
Building Bridges is a joint initiative, launched in 2019 by Swiss public authorities, the finance community, the United Nations and other International partners to accelerate the transition to a global economic model aligned with the SDGs.
At the core of the initiative is the recognition that the scale and complexity of the transition require “building bridges” between multiple stakeholders in the finance, government, and international development communities.
The first edition of Building Bridges took place in October 2019 in Geneva
Location: Virtual
Dates: November 30, 2021 - December 2, 2021