CONVENERS.ORG: Accelerator Stand-Up Call
Join us for our monthly Accelerator Stand-up Call held on the fourth Thursday of every month and graciously hosted by Ryan Ross of Halcyon Incubator!
Emerging from the Accelerating the Accelerators (AtA) Collective Impact Project (CIP) on the topic of ongoing communications, launched a regular monthly half-hour accelerator call in March 2016 to spark a strong sense of community and mutual exchange among impact accelerators.
Through the calls, we provide accelerators with a vital means of connecting with each other regularly for peer support in (but not limited to) the following areas:
- identifying tried-and-true advice on solutions, tools, resources, best practices;
- introductions for face-to-face meetings particularly when planning a trip; and
- drawing attention to interesting developments in the social enterprise space looking six months out.
Location: Virtual
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018