Digitizing Bulk Payments in Agriculture

The growth of bulk payments in agriculture has sparked debates over what type of payment is cheaper for farmers and other actors in agricultural value chains: cash or mobile money?
To better understand the value proposition of digital bulk payments, CGAP and UNCDF engaged consulting firm PHB Development to undertake first-of-its-kind research in Uganda. PHB Development conducted a detailed value proposition mapping exercise, based on the principles of activity-based costing, to compare the cost of cash versus the cost of mobile money for the most important stakeholders in Uganda’s coffee value chain.
In this webinar, we will share the results of this work along with insights for organizations that are looking to transition from cash to mobile money within the agricultural sector.


Bram Peters is the country technical specialist for digital finance at UNCDF in Uganda. Prior to joining UNCDF, Bram worked in various roles in the world of digital financial services, primarily for banks and microfinance institutions. Bram has a master’s in microfinance from Solvay Business School – Brussels, a master’s in management consultancy from Rotterdam School of Management, and a master’s in social science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Nathan Were leads CGAP’s smallholder families work in Uganda, helping financial services providers to design solutions that address the financial needs of smallholders. He has 8 years of experience in financial systems development working with commercial banks and microfinance institutions in Africa. He is a fellow of the Harvard Business School’s Strategic Leadership Program for Financial Inclusion and holds an M.Sc. in microfinance from the State University of Bergamo in Italy.
Pall Kvaran is an associate with PHB Development in Uganda. He is a digital financial services market research and implementation expert with 6 years of experience in private sector and agriculture development in Africa. Pall has focused on a range of value chains, working directly with farmers companies and cooperatives focused on crops including tea, coffee, maize, cassava, matooke, dairy, beans, and potatoes. Pall holds a bachelor’s in philosophy, politics, and economics from Bifrost University and an M.Phil. in development studies from the University of Oxford.

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017