Ecosystems for the Future: Harnessing Space Technology for Sustainable Land Use
One of today’s most pressing climate issues for businesses, civil society, and governments alike is ensuring more sustainable and efficient land use. This transformation would require the protection, restoration, and management of natural ecosystems, in close collaboration with communities on the front lines of climate change. For example, ecosystem-based approaches can help boost the resilience of smallholder farms through alternative agroforestry methods that simultaneously protect the environment.
But more data is needed to ensure these solutions are deployed effectively, and decision-makers must know how to best use innovative approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stop further global temperature increases. Satellites and remote sensing can play an important role in monitoring changes in the environment and help inform evidence-based targets and decision-making for climate change adaptation and mitigation, including in the food system.
This event, hosted by Devex in partnership with the Satellite Applications Catapult, will look at opportunities for using geospatial technology and data in supporting evidence-based decision-making for sustainable land use. It will also explore the role of businesses more broadly, as well as in advancing nature-centered approaches — including protecting, restoring, and managing the natural ecosystems where they work.
Time: 10:45 a.m. GMT | 5:45 a.m. ET
Location: Virtual
Date: Thursday, November 11, 2021