ESG: The Fancy-ful Narrative
Note: Deep Dives are hour-long Zoom Meetings: Live Q&A Sessions (as opposed to our Zoom Webinars, where the audience is in View-Only Mode) between the author(s) or subjects of an Impact Entrepreneur Magazine article and our members. Be sure to read the article in question and come bearing questions! Premium members of Impact Entrepreneur get complimentary admission to all live and archived Deep Dives. To RSVP for your spot as a Premium Member, visit this link.
ESG: The Fancy-ful Narrative with Clara Miller
To me, ESG/impact investing/social investing — and just plain old investing, for heavens’ sakes — is one piece and only one piece of a larger effort to alter incentives up and down the economy.
— Clara Miller, ESG: The Fancy-ful Narrative
Join us for a Deep Dive with Clara Miller, author of the IE Magazine article, ESG: The Fancy-ful Narrative.
Featured Guest
Clara Miller, a columnist for Impact Entepreneur Magazine, writes, speaks and advises on finance, investing, and accounting. She is President Emerita of the Heron Foundation (2011-2017) and was founder and President/CEO of Nonprofit Finance Fund (1984-2011). She serves/has served on and chaired a number of boards and advisory boards, including the U.S. Treasury (CDFI), Federal Reserve (CAC), OFN, SASB, and U.S. Impact Investing Alliance.
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
Location: Virtual
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021