Financial Inclusion in the Digital Economy
The conference organized by ADB in collaboration with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and ADB Institute (ADBI), aims to bring together policy makers, financial sector supervisors and regulators, financial institutions, FinTech companies, academia, as well as financial sector experts to discuss opportunities and challenges in digital finance and to identify how multilateral development banks such as ADB can support in this development by financing digital technology and transformation projects.
The conference will focus on:
- trends in digital financial inclusion-key opportunities and challenges for reaching the un-banked and under-banked;
- customer-centricity for financial inclusion;
- digital business models for accessing financial services;
- supervision and regulation of digital financial services; and
- the cost and value of digital finance.
Location: Manila, Philippines
Dates: May 24, 2016 - May 25, 2016