Financing Global Development – Leveraging Impact Investing for the SDGs
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in partnership with the OECD will be holding the event “Financing Global Development – Leveraging Impact Investing for the SDGs” on November 21/22 in Berlin, Germany.
In the context of the German G20 Presidency, the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the objective of the conference is to link governments and international development cooperation with the impact investing community, to foster joint action towards the SDGs. The conference will be attended by a wide range of experts from around the globe, including thought leaders from development agencies, development finance institutions, the financial and non-profit sectors.
Focusing on the financing of small and growing businesses in developing and emerging markets, the first day of the event will bring together stakeholders to discuss the topic of impact management and measurement. A core characteristic and challenge of impact investing is the measurement and management of social and environmental impacts alongside financial returns. Development cooperation and impact investing communities can build on their respective experience in results measurement and learn from and with each other.
The policy workshop on the second day of the event is implemented in cooperation with OECD. It will convene key players from developed and developing countries to discuss the policy aspects of impact investing and build connections amongst policy makers interested and/or already engaged in impact investing. The workshop aims to help policy makers from the G20 and beyond to better understand the trends in impact investing and the opportunities this new financing approach can provide in addressing the SDGs. Most importantly, it will highlight policies that governments can put in place to effectively facilitate investments for social and environmental impacts.
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Location: Berlin, Germany
Dates: November 21, 2017 - November 22, 2017