#GMIS2020 – Glocalisation: Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Global Value Chains

#GMIS2020 is set to virtually gather, for the very first time, a cross-section of thought-leaders from public and private sectors, academia, and NGOs, developing and developed countries, to discuss, debate, and shape the future of manufacturing.

Building on the theme of #GMIS2020 – Glocalisation: Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Global Value Chains – which was originally scheduled to take place alongside Hannover Messe in April 2020, we have formulated a fresh, forward-looking agenda for the #GMIS2020 Virtual Summit that will frame discussions within the context of the current landscape, exploring the longer-term implications on the manufacturing sector in light of the disruption caused to the global economy, while shedding light on possible technological solutions driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Central to discussions at #GMIS2020 will be the exploration of how the disruption will lead to the transformation of global value chains (GVCs), a phenomenon that will have lasting implications on the manufacturing and production ecosystem.

Location: Virtual

Dates: September 4, 2020 - September 5, 2020