Groupe Initiatives: Supporting local artisanal value chains
Groupe Initiatives, a consortium of 10 NGOs active in international development, invites you to a day of discussions around how to best create and support local artisanal value chains:
-What are the different strategies that can strengthen local artisanal value chains or help them emerge?
-How to create adequate links between the actors of a new value chain?
-What are the tools that can help understand and analyse such value chains (e.g. stakeholder mapping) ?
-What role(s) can NGOs play in supporting the creation of these value chains? Should they only support others or also play an active role? What risks does this bear?
Hystra will be testifying on the learnings drawn from dozens of projects.
Register here! (NB: the roundtable will be held in French. Seating is limited so book early!)
Location: Paris, France
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2017