How Nonprofits Can Leverage Social Media Data & Analytics To Attract New Donors

Did you scroll through content on Instagram today? Or maybe watch a live video on Facebook? Ever wonder what made you pause on that post, hit like to engage, or donate? The key to building a digital strategy that works is DATA.

When you align your organization’s goals with the right social media strategies, you’ll start to see instant results!

In this webinar, you’ll be guided through a DIY Social Media Audit to leverage your online data to attract new donors or accomplish any goal! You’ll learn:

  • How to outline a social media plan that directly aligns with your organization’s goals
  • What social media metrics matter for your nonprofit
  • The simple FREE tools needed (and some paid ones too if you want to take your data skills up a notch!)
  • How to leave behind the guessing game and rush to post regular content on social media
  • Understand what’s already working and dial it up!


Time: 1pm EDT / 10am PDT

Location: Virtual

Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2021