How To Scale Technology for Social Good?

Welcome to the All ABOUT IMPACT LEARNING webinar series.

This webinar series will invite social enterprises and nonprofits to share their impact journies. In addition, they will share how they are engaging and learning outcomes from their stakeholders.

They’re thrilled to have Serge Raemaekers, founder of ABALOBI, join them to share his experience of scaling technology for good. ABALOBI is a South Africa-based, global social enterprise. Their mission is to contribute towards thriving, equitable, and sustainable small-scale fishing communities globally through the joint development of Technology For Good.

As with many social entrepreneurs, Abalobi has a mission of changing the way we catch and consume fish. It is very similar to how they farm, use energy, irrigate, commute, or make decisions as a person of color. So what are the challenges in this behavior-changing mission?

This webinar will take the journey of impact experiments. Asking three challenging questions,
What problem is ABALOBI solving?
Who are they solving the problem for?
What are they doing to solve the problems?

ABALOBI is engaging key stakeholders and learning how to overcome any barriers in using products and services ABALOBI is providing. It is essential to have these learnings and following small but solid steps to scale their work.

Sopact team and Serge will have a dialogue on,
importance of stakeholder engagement
designing and executing impact experiments
Learnings from ABALOBI

This webinar is for organizations that engage directly with their stakeholders and understand their social impact evidence. The webinar will show you how you can prove social impact using four simple steps. Join them.

Location: Virtual

Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021