Information Session: Endowment Impact Benchmark
Join this virtual information session to learn about the Endowment Impact Benchmark (EIB) — an assessment and ratings framework that enables endowments to earn recognition for their commitment to sustainable and impact investing. In 2023, IEN piloted the EIB with five leading endowments representing public and private colleges and universities, with assets under management ranging from $50 million to over $20 billion. In 2024, IEN will engage a second cohort of endowments to participate in the EIB, working with BlueMark to conduct the third-party verification process. In this information session, participants will learn more about the 2023 EIB pilot outcomes, dive into details on the assessment questionnaire participating endowments will complete in 2024 across four components: Strategy, Management, Governance and Transparency, discuss the timeline and expectations of participation, and learn more about the unique benefits of participation. To learn more about the Endowment Impact Benchmark, please contact Georges Dyer and Nicole Torrico at and
Location: Virtual
Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2024