Less Risk, More Reward: Empowering Smallholder Coffee Farmers to Better Manage Risk


Smallholder coffee farmers operate in a world of risk. Rapidly changing prices, adverse weather, pests, and disease – alone or together, these shocks can quickly undo the promise of a successful coffee growing season and severely diminish smallholders’ incomes and food security.How can smallholder coffee farmers better manage risk? Drawing from the experiences of Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation program partners – Farm Africa/Root CapitalNeumann Gruppe GmbH, and Oikocredit – this webinar offers a global perspective on innovative risk-management initiatives that are enabling smallholders to reap more rewards and face less risk as they cultivate this high-value crop.Panelists will share insights and lessons learned ranging from non-profit- and lender-driven specialized trainings that help coffee farmers manage volatile price fluctuations, to private sector businesses that deliver financing, inputs, and technical know-how into their supply chains to help farmers mitigate risk while contributing to a more sustainable coffee industry.Join USAID’s Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation program for a webinar on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 10:00 AM EST to discuss these issues. Introductory remarks will be given by USAID Market System Specialist Melissa Schweisguth about the Agency’s global coffee sector initiatives. An overview by Partnering for Innovation Program Director Laura Harwig will follow, highlighting how the program’s innovative partnerships are equipping smallholder coffee farmers to better manage and respond to risk. Representatives from program partners will then share perspectives and insights during a facilitated exchange. An audience question-and-answer session will conclude the webinar.Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (GMT -4)

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021