Maximising the Leveraging Power of Catalytic Capital

Join AVPA and the Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3) for a webinar discussing how investors and other asset owners can maximise the power of Catalytic Capital. Showcasing findings from Africa focused research projects that C3 supported, panel experts will discuss key considerations and lessons from their recent research. This body of work strengthens the evidence base on Catalytic Capital and focuses on answering questions such as what role it plays, when and how it is needed, and the results and Impact it can help create. The webinar will draw out action-oriented findings and conclude by identifying best practices for investors in Africa.

AVPA is proud to partner with the C3 Grantmaking programme in increasing the knowledge, awareness, and use of Catalytic Capital among a diverse set of investors globally, with a focus on identifying and sharing best practices.


May 22, 2024, 9:00 AM EDT


Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024