Meet & Multiply

Meet & Multiply is a side event taking place at the Sankalp Forum in Nairobi, Kenya on February 21-22, 2019. Adopters and ecosystem partners should apply to attend. The Sankalp Africa Forum is open to all participants. Please visit the website to attend the main Forum.

Our structured networking methodology is tried and tested! It has already helped entrepreneurs scale from India to Latin America and the Caribbean. We are pleased to respond to requests to bring this format to Africa. Here is how it works. We identify successful businesses with impact and carefully select potential adopters of their model in a new geographic location. We bring the originators and adopters together for a half-day event with the right set of ecosystem partners that can help originators to multiply their impact. Following the event, we provide follow-up support to help facilitate successful replication.

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Dates: February 21, 2019 - February 22, 2019