Mobile West Africa 2016

2016 will be the 6th consecutive year that Mobile West Africa has been organised in Lagos.

Over those 5 years 99% of our attendees have rated the event as Good (6%), Very Good (44%) and Excellent (49%). Furthermore 85% of our attendees have rated the event as Better (52%) or Much Better (33%) than any other event they have attended.

Why? Because each and every year the event has:

— Attracted the top individuals from the industry’s leading organisations

— Received absolutely incredible attendee ratings, testimonials and press coverage

— Organically grown in size from 160 attendees in 2011 to 300 attendees in 2015

— Delivered a superb, focused, progressive agenda, featuring the leaders of the industry

— Created fantastic networking opportunities and featured a unique interactive format

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Dates: April 20, 2016 - April 21, 2016