New Research Webinar | Investors & New Paths to Environmental, Social, Finance Issues
A new state-of-the-industry report finds that that investors are deliberately incorporating new investment approaches to help address systems-level risks and opportunities. The study indicates that investors are intentionally attempting to influence systems-level risk factors previously ignored as beyond the impact-ability of institutional investors.
The report identifies ten tools through which 50 major institutional investors, with some $16.2 trillion in aggregate assets, are deploying “intentional, systems-level investing.” The report also offers specific examples of investors working to impact global challenges including financial system sustainability, climate change and human rights issues.
The new study, Tipping Points 2016: Summary of 50 Asset Owners’ and Managers’ Approaches to Investing in Global Systems, examines how 28 asset owners and 22 asset managers are beginning to think about the impact of their investments and, in turn, how those investments are affected by global environmental, social and financial systems. Download the report at
Location: Webinar
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016