PPE Access for All: The Journey and the Future

Our COVID-19 Action Fund for Africa (CAF-Africa) partners invite you to the webinar, PPE Access for All: The Journey and the Future.

To date, we have committed and delivered 66 million personal protective equipment (PPE) items for almost 500,000 community health workers in Africa. Throughout this journey, thirty partners joined forces to protect community health workers while also identifying systemic gaps and barriers that prevent community health workers from receiving necessary protection, supplies and equipment. Through this workshop, the CAF-Africa partners will share what we learned, what gaps remain, and explore solutions for the future to make sure CHWs are supported, protected, and supplied.

The Impact
In part one, our in-country partners will discuss the impact of the donated PPE and community health workers’ ongoing need for PPE.

The Journey
In part two, members of CAF-Africa’s oversight committee will share and review the Fund’s implications based on lessons learned and remaining needs.

The Future
In part three, supply and procurement experts will reflect on ongoing efforts and recommendations for the future to resolve PPE and community health supply challenges through global, regional, and country-focused action.

Time: 7:30 AM

Location: Virtual

Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021