RIA Foundation & Endowment Forum

Join over 100 delegates at Canada’s first-ever Foundation and Endowment Forum focused exclusively on responsible and impact investing. The Forum is a full day conference taking place on October 17th, 2016 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Attendees will learn how incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into your organization’s investment decisions can have a positive impact while managing risk and increasing long-term returns.

Learn about ESG integration, shareholder engagement, impact investing and other strategies you can leverage to align your entire portfolio with your organization’s mission. Hear from leading Canadian foundations and endowments that are successfully making the transition to responsible and impact investing. Learn from others that are taking steps to align their investments with their organization’s mission. Network with leading foundations, endowments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), ESG research firms, investment consultants and asset managers interested in responsible and impact investing.

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Date: Monday, October 17, 2016