Security, Resilience, and Profitability in Finance for Sahel’s Agriculture Sector

Join our Finance for Resilience team on April 24th for a dynamic webinar that explores security, resilience, and profitability for finance in Sahel’s agricultural sector.

This webinar will explore CATALYZE’s flexible project design, robust partnerships, and steadfast commitment to addressing multifaceted challenges in regions affected by food crises, conflicts, and economic downturns. We explore the critical intersection of security, resilience, and financial access, sharing strategies to ensure access to finance and increase the profitability of MFIs in the agricultural sector. Speakers will discuss how incentives have played a pivotal role in expanding value chains, specifically lending to the small ruminant value chain, and how organizations have successfully expanded their zones of operation despite security challenges.

We will also share how CATALYZE’s innovative use of financial instruments, including guarantees, insurance, capital injections, and debt restructuring, manages risks, lowers required loan amounts and extends support to micro-enterprises and solidarity groups.

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM EDT

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024