The 60th Global Summit of the CGF
We are living in an age when consumers trust many discount retailers more than their long established, quality competitors. When they trust social networks of their anonymous peers far more than well-known retailers and brands. When we are all willing to benefit from the physical touch and human service offered by physical stores, but prefer to part with our money online. When unknown start-ups are seen as better for you, better for the planet and better for society than big business. .
We are living in an age of disruption. And beneath all disruptions lie opportunities.
The 60th Global Summit, the industry’s best global CEO event will equip members of The Consumer Goods Forum and our strategic partners to capture these opportunities. Innovators from inside and outside our industry will inspire us with their unique combination of vision, talent and technology. Leaders of new consumer business models in both emerging and developed markets will challenge us to see disruption from new vantage points. CEOs from our industry will share their experiences of capturing opportunities in a responsible manner. And we will discuss how to lead – or be led by – the next generation of talent through all these opportunities.
Wherever you do business, the 2016 Global Summit will help you to win, by seeing opportunities beneath the disruption.
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Dates: June 15, 2016 - June 17, 2016