The SEEP Network Annual Conference
The SEEP Network 2016 Annual Conference is an opportunity for SEEP members and industry stakeholders to accelerate learning and foster innovation needed to broaden the reach of markets into new contexts and to new populations. Our renewed vision – Markets that provide opportunities for all people to engage and prosper – is in alignment with the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and its member states. Under the conference theme ofExpanding Market Frontiers, participants will share proven practices in growing and deepening market systems.
We will explore approaches to enhancing food security for communities and households living in poverty, integrating marginalized populations into financial markets, and enabling market development in fragile and conflict affected environments. We also will examine the role of research and evidence in advancing learning and scaling impact.
The conference agenda will be organized around four learning tracks. They are:
- Expanding and Deepening Financial Inclusion
- Enhancing Food Security through Market-oriented Interventions
- Enabling Market Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected Areas
- Getting and Using the Right Kinds of Evidence
Also, three new Lunch Dialogues have been added to the SEEP conference agenda on the following themes:
- Enabling regulations in 10 countries for market development in agribusiness (World Bank)
- A turning point for financial literacy, capability and health (MetLife)
- The future of poverty measurement (Progress out of Poverty, Innovations in Poverty Action-IPA)
Location: Arlington, VA
Dates: September 19, 2016 - September 21, 2016