Unwrapping Innovation: From Old Aluminium To New Energy Source
Join us on February 14th to discover how Found Energy is bringing clean energy to heavy industries – and the value it derived from Boundless’ Environmental Impact Assessment. Every year, millions of tons of aluminum end their life in landfills across the world. Found Energy is working at transforming all this waste into a low-cost, on-demand source of energy, by transforming aluminium into heat and hydrogen through chemical reactions. Applied to heavy industries like long-haul trucking and maritime shipping, such technology could turn aluminium waste into a sustainable fuel source. Speakers include Found Energy co-Founder and CEO Peter Godart, and Boundless Senior Research Analyst Jordan Farber. About Peter: Peter Godart, PhD, is the co-founder and CEO of Found Energy. He is on a mission to turn waste materials into carbon-free, energy-dense replacements for fossil fuels to address climate change. As a former scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Peter developed spacecraft that could consume their vestigial aluminum components for energy. Now he is building off of his PhD and postdoctoral work at MIT to help humanity do the same. Register for the webinar today!
Time: 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM EST
Location: Virtual
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2024