Webinar: Business Planning with Microfin
If you cannot attend an onsite Microfin training, participating in this online, collaborative training is a good second option. You will learn how to turn operational assumptions into a business plan using the most powerful, industry standard, budgeting tool, Microfin. Microfin has been the industry standard for financial projections for Microfinance Institutions for over 20 years and new enhancements make the tool more valuable than ever.
Are you struggling with how to create your 2018/19 budget? Do you want to use actual results to project better plan for next year? Have you looked at Microfin in the past and have been confused about where to start? If so, then this training is for you.
The course is offered in two-hour sessions each day with two start times as follows, based on demand:
- 6 am – Seattle, USA | 9 am Washington DC, USA | 2 pm London, UTC | 4 pm Beirut | 5 pm Nairobi.
- 8pm – Seattle, USA | 2 pm London, UTC | 9:30 am India | 10:30 am Myanmar | 11 am Cambodia and Indonesia | 12 pm Philippines
Location: Virtual
Dates: December 10, 2018 - December 14, 2018