What We Learned in 2023

It’s been a year full of challenges for aid leaders. From the ongoing war in Ukraine to the outbreak of conflict in Gaza and an increasingly urgent funding crisis, organizations are having to respond to rising humanitarian need with, in many cases, less money.

There have been challenges around access, misinformation, and the misuse of resources. In some of the biggest donor countries, aid is also becoming increasingly politicized — all while aid leaders are having to grapple with the rise of new technologies, the implications of which nobody yet fully understands.

Join a panel of leaders from across the global development and humanitarian sector as they discuss the big challenges — and advances — of the year that’s just been, their practical experience of dealing with a changing landscape, and the lessons they’ll be taking with them into 2024.

Time: 12:00 PM1:00 PM EST

Location: Virtual

Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023