Rob Katz

Investing in Africa

Timbuktu Chronicles points out two previously unknown players in the African investment picture: African Agricultural Capital and Advanced Finance and Investment Group.

African Agricultural Capital (AAC) invests in early-stage, high-risk agricultural enterprises in East Africa.? AAC focuses on companies that are introducing new technology or production systems, and makes investments out of an already-raised pool over $7 million.? Initial support for AAC came from the Rockefeller Foundation, and Volksvermogen NV.The Advanced Finance and Investment Group (AFIG) is a private equity and fund management company with headquarters in Mauritius and offices in Dakar, Johannesburg, and Washington, DC.? Its investment philosophy is based on local relationships, technical expertise, and proactive involvement in portfolio companies.? AFIG is run by four Ivy League educated investment professionals, whose developed markets expertise is buttressed by their first-hand knowledge of local African context.
