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  • A realistic framework for an ideal world, by Alison Maitland

    Business leaders from companies including BP, Deloitte and Nestl? will next week spend two days closeted with United Nations executives and development agencies at a hotel near London to discuss how the private sector can make an effective impact on poverty. The meeting, to be held under the auspices of the International Business Leaders’ Forum, an educational charity that promotes good corporate citizenship, will also consider what the commitment from business should be when the ...

    Financial Times
  • Major victories for micro-finance, by John Authers

    Compartamos (Let’s share in Spanish) started life as a non-governmental organisation, and gained its seed capital from multilateral funds. In 2000, it converted into a limited-objective financial organisation (sofol for its initials in Spanish). That allows it to offer loans, although it is still blocked.but still blocks it from taking in deposit Now with more than 300,000 clients, its next plan is to convert itself into a bank, so that it can take in savings an...

    Financial Times
  • Power in the palm of your hand – Freeplay to launch self-powered mobile charger in Africa, by Mapara

    Access to energy can be a serious obstacle for many mobile phone users who need to re-charge their phones when they find their battery is dead but have no means in doing so. This in turn is a major problem for mobile operators who are constantly losing revenue from the reduced call time. In light of this, Freeplay Energy, a company that specialises in self-sufficient products that gives freedom and independence from traditional power sources, has developed a solution that may help elimin...

    Balancing Act
  • Former Brazil slave village leaps into digital age, by Terry Wade

    Nestled in a narrow tropical valley 180 miles southwest of South America’s largest city of Sao Paulo, the village lacks phone lines and other basic services. Some of its 300 residents still live in homes made of sticks and mud. But a government experiment is sweeping Ivaporunduva into the digital age. As part of a larger plan to fight rural poverty, the government has installed a satellite-based Internet connection that is ending years of isolation for the village. Residents can m...

  • John Templeton Foundation Awards $1.5 Million In Support of Enterprise Solutions to Poverty

    John Templeton Foundation has awarded prizes of $1.5 million to three prominent think tanks in support of initiatives that explore what works in enterprise-based solutions to poverty. Winners of the Templeton Foundation What Works in Enterprise-Based Solutions to Poverty awards are: Fraser Institute, Vancouver BC, Canada, for a new initiative to measure economic freedom and how free enterprise throughout the Arab world is lifting individuals and families out of poverty in ...

    Business Wire
  • Adapting to a changing international scenario is what it takes to be successful.

    India is seeing a huge change in the pace of progress. With China’s economy galloping along at such a fast pace, India has to do everything in its power to keep up and finally overtake the dragon. Professor of Marketing at Wharton School, Yoram Jerry Wind says that harnessing the power of the skilled human resources available in the country will help transform India. Chairman of ICICI Bank, KV Kamath told CNBC-TV18, that the Indian corporate scenario is embracing radical transforma...

  • Communication to Empower People, by Rajendra Prabhu

    India has attained national telephone subscriber base of 100 million people, roughly nine per cent of the population. Only five years back, the country had just 28 million telephone subscribers. Today India?s telephone network of over 100 million subscribers is one of the largest in the world and second largest among the emerging economies, after China?. The last 20 years have witnessed dramatic changes in the global communication scene. It started with the recognition that telecommunicati...

    India Press Information Bureau
  • Govt to Launch Micro Finance Fund, Richard Mantu

    South Africans who need start-up capital for their small businesses will now have an opportunity to apply for such loans through the Apex Fund. Trade and Industry Minister Mandisi Mpahlwa is launching the South African Micro-finance Apex Fund (SAMAF) in Rusternburg in North West today. The launch will take place at Motswedi Village. The SAMAF is meant to stimulate development of small medium micro enterprises (SMMEs), opening doors to aspiring entrepreneurs who need loans less th...

    BuaNews (Tshwane)
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