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  • VC on the Roof of the World

    An NGO helps to acquaint Tibetan entrepreneurs with the fast-moving world of venture capital. Mr. Tselhun is the chief of the economic bureau for the Tibet Autonomous Region Federation of Commerce and Industry, and head of a delegation of 10 Tibetans who came from ancient, fabled Lhasa to Shenzhen?the postmodern poster city for China?s economic miracle?to learn about venture capital and what it might do for them. ?We are very interested in venture...

    Red Herring
  • Motorola Opens Indian R&D Lab:

    As the handset market looks to emerging markets, Motorola raises its bet on India. Emerging markets like India and China are seen as the fastest-growing mobile markets in the world. Reliance Infocomm launched a commercial wireless service in India in May 2003 and signed up 1 million customers within the first 10 days. The company has since signed up over 10 million customers. ...

    Red Herring
  • Micro-Hydro Project Funds Training Center in Thailand

    Hydro-power is doing more than bringing electricity to Cinta Mekar in Thailand. Dignitaries and government officials helped to lay the foundation stone for the first Pro-Poor Public Private Partnership (5P) Resource and Training Center in Cinta Mekar, which was made possible partly because of electricity sales from the micro-hydro project. Co-financed by a private company, Hidropiranti Inti Bakti Swadaya (HIBS), and local rural cooperative Cinta Mekar, with support from the Ministry of Ene...

  • EU supports VN?s poorest villages

    The initiative will enable local people to upgrade their skill base, and therefore revenue earning capacity, across a range of fields, such as crop and animal husbandry, marketing of agricultural products, and small business development. Construction of basic infrastructure, especially in remote areas, will complement these activities. Special attention will be given to empowering the most disadvantaged, such as poor women. They will receive special support to apply for financial support an...

    VietNam News
  • Canada builds capacity of private sector in poor countries

    The Honourable Aileen Carroll, Minister of International Cooperation, today outlined Canada’s plans to encourage the growth of the private sector in developing countries and announced a series of new initiatives, valued at $25 million, in Africa, Asia and the Americas. It is important that the poor have a say and a stake in the way that private sector development evolves in their countries, and that its benefits are shared equally, Minister Carroll said. The needs and...

    Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
  • Business Warms to Gauteng’s New Innovation Hub

    At the hub’s core are two projects to support entrepreneurs. The first is a development programme that gives previously disadvantaged individuals six months of mentoring to help them develop a business plan, followed by 18 months of mentoring to get their businesses under way. It helps them think through the business before they start mortgaging their homes and spending a lot of resources and then go belly-up, said Commins. The second is an entrepreneur programme that...

    Business Day (Johannesburg)
  • Green Profits, by Ron Moreau and Sudip Mazumdar

    Diversification and increased productivity are what ITC is promoting with its computer program, which seeks to increase farmers’ yields, raise their income and boost their confidence to try their hands at more lucrative crops. Within 10 years, the company hopes to be electronically connected to 100,000 villages and 10 million farmers. Company strategists expect the bulk of those villagers to sell their bumper crops to, and buy products from, ITC, adding an estimated $2.5 billion in revenue w...

    Newsweek International
  • Poorest nations lead global growth, by Charlotte Moore

    Developing countries grew at their sharpest rate for three decades last year, faster than wealthy nations, the World Bank said yesterday. It warned, however, that wealthy nations were not increasing aid fast enough to stamp out poverty. Even sub-Saharan Africa, which includes some of the world’s poorest nations, became wealthier last year, helped by soaring commodity prices - the region is rich in oil and metals. Tony Blair said when he released his Commission for Africa report l...

    The Guardian
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