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  • Emerging markets drive growth for malt and chocolate drinks

    Malt- and chocolate-based drinks are often seen as relatively unsophisticated in developed markets in the west, but in many countries, in particular in Latin America, they are big business indeed, marketed mostly as an excellent source of nutrition in countries where food quality is often poor. Read full article here. ...

  • A billion PC users on the way

    The number of PC users is expected to hit or exceed 1 billion by 2010, up from around 660 million to 670 million today, fueled primarily by new adopters in developing nations such as China, Russia and India, according to analysts. ’It took more than 20 years to grow the worldwide base of PC users to 600-plus million. By 2010, I expect that to grow to 1 billion, due to opportunities in emerging markets and new scenarios and form factors,’ wrote Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in a rece...

  • Driving Toward the $2,200 Car

    Price is the key. Motorbikes and scooters in India retail for a relatively affordable $600 to $1,500. But most cars go for at least $4,500 -- one reason so few are sold. Local automakers are racing to create cars that would retail for 100,000 rupees -- roughly $2,200, or just half as much as the lowest-priced models sold today. At that magic price point, the reasoning goes, sales could double from last year’s total of 900,000 vehicles. ...

    Business 2.0
  • Trading on its reputation, the auction giant gambles on an Indian service

    Last month, eBay, the world?s largest online auction site with a market capitalization of $52 billion, announced an agreement to acquire Baazee for $50 million. The move follows eBay?s acquisition of EachNet in China and Korea?s Internet Auction Company in 2003, and Taiwan?s NeoCom Technology in 2002. Like many other Internet companies, from Yahoo, to Google, to Amazon, eBay has to make a leap of faith when it expands into emerging markets. While India, for example, has a relatively small ...

    Red Herring
  • World Bank Challenged: Are Poor Really Helped?

    Wealthy nations and international organizations, including the World Bank, spend more than $55 billion annually to better the lot of the world’s 2.7 billion poor people. Yet they have scant evidence that the myriad projects they finance have made any real difference, many economists say. That important fact has left some critics of the World Bank, the largest financier of antipoverty programs in developing countries, dissatisfied, and they have begun throwing down an essential challen...

    The New York Times
  • Vodacom customers increase to more than 12.4-million

    Vodacom has cellular networks in South Africa, Tanzania, Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique. The non-South African operations now comprise 1.8-million or 14.8% of the total Group customer base. Vodacom increased its South African customer base by 8.8% to 10.6-million (just over 9-million prepaid and 1.5-million contract) during the reporting period. Read ful...

    Press Release - Vodacom
  • Once Focused on the Ultrarich,It Now Eyes the ’Unbanked’

    Citigroup is also moving down market in other developing countries in a bid to wring profits out of the working class. In part, it is betting that a healthy middle class will emerge in Mexico, Brazil, India, China and a handful of other fast-growing economies. The growth potential, as Citigroup executives see it, is enormous, particularly with credit cards, where profit margins in places like Mexico are fat. ...

    The Wall Street Journal
  • MTV’s Passage to India

    ...MTV India isn’t built for today or even tomorrow. It’s one of a handful of global businesses targeted for investment by Viacom because of their potential. (MTV channels in China, Japan, and Mexico are among the others.) Right now about 25 million homes in India can watch MTV. There’s room to grow, given that India has more than 100 million TV homes?and that more than half of India’s one billion people are under 25. ... Cable operators keep signing up new subscribers. Adv...

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