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  • New IBM Unit to Target Emerging Markets

    That demand is underscored by IBM’s recent second-quarter financial results, which showed double- and triple-digit growth in open technologies such as Linux and grid computing. In a recent letter to IBM shareholders and employees, Chairman Sam Palmisano reported that the Armonk, N.Y., company’s revenue in the first half of the year grew by 35 percent, to $1.9 billion, in the emerging markets of China, Brazil, Eastern Europe and India. ...

  • Grameen Foundation USA Generates Business Ownership Among the Poorest of Poor Women Worldwide

    BlueOrchard Finance s.a., and Developing World Markets, Inc. are preparing to release millions of dollars into the hands of micro-entrepreneurs through microfinance institutions in nine developing countries. This financial deal, the largest transaction of its kind to date, is a true landmark. Though bond offerings for international microfinance have often been talked about and even attempted prior to today, this is the first and largest transaction in U.S. capital markets to exclusively f...

    Financial News
  • Each year, the MBA Enterprise Corps sends MBAs to teach management skills to small-business owners i

    Established by University of North Carolina management professor Jack Behrman in 1990, the MBAEC has sent some 25 MBAs a year -- more than 570 to date -- to Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe, especially former Soviet bloc countries. No question, it’s a modest effort compared to the venerable Peace Corps, but for MBA participants and business owners in the developing countries, the effort...

  • HP’s multi-user Linux computer coming this way

    Brooke Partridge, HP’s market and business development director for emerging market solutions, told In.Tech last week that the company was ’currently investigating markets for the 441 ... including South-East Asia [and] looks forward to expanding its availability in late 2004 and early 2005.’ ’[It] made business sense to make it commercially available.’ The company plans to market it in South Africa first, followed by other emerging markets.’...

  • How to tap mobile data opportunities

    With the support of handset manufacturers, telecommunication analysts predict that mobile penetration will shoot to 13 per cent by 2008, up from the current seven per cent. This is equivalent to 125 million subscribers, making Africa the fastest growing region in the world. According to Mr Matthew Hatton, an international wireless analyst, Africa will continue to present significant and untapped market growth rates. Handset sales are expected to register a steady rise, topping the 50 milli...

    The Financial Standard
  • Consumer-goods makers are realizing they have only one direction to go for growth: down-market

    ’The great white spot in the world economy is the lower-income market,’ says Laercio Cardoso, who oversees low-income markets in Brazil for the Anglo-Dutch laundry-soap manufacturer Unilever. ’Reaching them isn’t charity?it’s business.’ Lately, business is booming. Makers of everything from bicycles to bouillon cubes are scrambling to serve the most modest of patrons. Factories are retooling to turn out no-frills goods such as floor fans, single-door refrigerators a...

    Newsweek International
  • HP trials four-in-one Linux PC

    The quad computer, called the HP441, is being aimed first at the education market in developing countries, where keeping hardware costs down is critical. Brooke Partridge, HP’s business manager for emerging markets, said the HP441 is already being used at schools in a pilot project in South Africa and work is continuing on expanding sales into other countries. ...

  • Indian technology fund gets US$400,000 World Bank grant

    A private Indian equity company that invests in high technology ventures said Thursday it has received a grant of US$400,000 from the World Bank to support up-and-coming companies in developing nations. The funding will help Indiaco increase its portfolio of investments from 57 startup companies to about 150 by next March, company director Girish Narasimhan said. Most of the companies will be in India, but some will be in other developing countries. ...

    Financial Times
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