November 3

Analysis: Really Cool Roofs: How Breakthrough Materials Can Save Lives, Carbon, and Money in a Warming World

By Lindsay Rasmussen and Rushad Nanavatty

Deployed at scale in the form of cool roofs across informal (self-built) settlements and low-income housing in India alone, passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC) materials could save 317,000 lives and over 68 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in cooling-related emissions between now and 2030.

As this year’s scorching northern hemisphere summer comes to an end, we cannot let it recede from view. With every possibility that the summer of 2024—and each summer beyond that—will be worse, we need to make real progress on cooling technologies and solutions now.  

Photo courtesy of Rajeev Chanda.

Source: Third Derivative (link opens in a new window)

climate change, decarbonization, housing, research, scale