August 15

Report: New Research from Financial Health Network Shows 90% of Working-Age People with Disabilities are Not Financially Healthy

The Financial Health of People with Disabilities: Key Obstacles and Opportunities, a report released today by the Financial Health Network in partnership with National Disability Institute (NDI), The Harkin Institute, and Principal® Foundation, finds a staggering 90% of working-age people with disabilities are not Financially Healthy. In fact, one-third of all working-age people with disabilities are characterized as “Financially Vulnerable.” Financially Vulnerable individuals typically struggle to meet expenses, have little to no emergency savings, and burdensome levels of debt. The research also finds that 93% of people with disabilities are unfamiliar with ABLE Accounts, the primary tax-advantaged asset-building tool available to people with disabilities.

Photo courtesy of Nayeli Dalton.

Source: Financial Health Network (link opens in a new window)

Finance, Technology
data, employment, financial health, financial inclusion, research