This Social Entrepreneur is Creating Employment in Underserved Areas

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The rural population in India is deprived of proper services despite government taking various measures to improve the situation. While on one hand, some people are moving to big cities in search of employment, others are dreaming of bringing jobs to rural India. Manav Subodh, Cofounder, 1M1B (1 Million for 1 Billion), also shares a similar dream. Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, Manav worked for 17 years in the corporate sector with organizations like Ernst and Young (EY), Intel, Hughes, and QAI.

“I had a typical career path, studying engineering, MBA and then getting into a corporate job in marketing/consulting. I was the global director for Intel Corporation in entrepreneurship and innovation. After spending ten years there, I left that job because I thought I wasn’t able to make a difference. The sole idea behind 1M1B was to make entrepreneurship available to the people in rural areas,” shared Subodh.

Started in 2014, the non-profit body focuses on youth and women from ages 18-25 in the most rural parts of the world. The initiative builds conscious enterprises and undertakes income enhancement initiatives for indigenous and underprivileged communities by engaging urban leaders and start-ups.

Photo courtesy of JanetandPhil.

Source: Entrepreneur India (link opens in a new window)

nonprofits, rural development, startups