2nd Annual Asia Pacific Microfinance Forum
Some of the biggest challenges microfinance institutions (MFIs) struggle to overcome today are high operating costs, scalability and low earnings. And it is widely understood that the provision of fintech innovations is expected to help MFIs reduce their costs, increase operational efficiency and remain competitive in the rapidly changing financial landscape.
Additionally, new players like fintech-based lenders and mobile network operators are entering the microfinance industry and targeting the unbanked and the financially excluded segments. How successfully MFIs respond to this dynamic and competitive environment will also determine which actors will thrive within the financial inclusion industry in the near future.
The 2nd Annual Asia Pacific Microfinance Forum will shed light on how the pioneering microfinance sector players evaluate the potential uses, critical success factors as well as implementation challenges of the recent fintech developments in the financial inclusion sector.
Location: Singapore
Dates: October 22, 2019 - October 23, 2019