ANDE South Asia Convening 2022: Resilient Entrepreneurship
Event description: ANDE India is delighted to announce that we are hosting the first ANDE South Asia Convening this year, in partnership with Bangladesh Angels, BetterStories Ltd, SAFAL Partners, Hatch Sri Lanka, National Incubation Center Karachi and PakTek Hub. We look forward to convening experts from across the region to discuss and share insights on strengthening the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Join in as we discuss climate and environmental entrepreneurship, gender equality in small and growing businesses (SGBs) and resilience in SGBs.
Who is this convening for? If you are an Entrepreneur Support Organization (ESO), investor, funder or someone who works supporting small & growing businesses in multiple aspects, this convening is for you!
Stakeholders working with SGBs are aware of how critical it is to foster an atmosphere that is encouraging of risk-taking, offer access to finance, and the abilty accomplish all of this quickly enough to have an effect yet slowly enough to allow for development. If you are someone who is part of the ESO network, this convening will provide access to discourse that will be vital for your work moving forward. We also encourage entrepreneurs and SGBs to attend, if the topics are of relevance and interest.
Location: Virtual
Dates: August 16, 2022 - August 18, 2022